HS Code 610910 of Global Trade Data | Shipment Records | Customs Import Export Data

1,000,000+ Matching Data
Date Source Country Importer Exporter HS Code Product Description Country of Origin Country of Destination Quantity Weight (KG) Value (US$) Incoterms Port of Loading Port of Discharge B/L Number Transport Mode
2024-09-14 Global Shipment Action Service & Distributie Bv Apm Global Logistics Bd Ltd 610910 MEN'S BASIC T SHIRT SHIPMENT REFERENCE NUMBER : 4400473040 PM/PC NO. 23-GACTDHL-0012-1 23-GACTDHL-0017-1 23-GACTDHL-0016-1 23-GACTDHL-0020-1 PO REF. A210000699 A210000704 A210000703 A210000707 HS CODE : 61091000 INVOICE NO. : MAL/0527/2024 DATE: 04.07.2024 CONTRACT NO : LF/AC/MAL-11/2024 DATE: 12.12.2023 EXP NO: 1010-001348-2024 DATE: 04.07.2024 STUFFING LOCATION : K & T SHIPPING BILL NO. : C 1254245 DT.04.07.2024 *TAX REF:NL007112543B01 BANGLADESH FRANCE ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ******
2024-09-12 United States Efl Container Lines Llc Pt. Efl Global Indonesia 6109100000 MEN'S KNITTED TOPS SINGAPORE UNITED STATES ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ******
2024-09-12 United States Efl Container Lines Llc Pt. Efl Global Indonesia 6109100000 MENS KNITTED TOPS SINGAPORE UNITED STATES ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ******
2024-09-12 United States Efl Container Lines Llc Pt. Efl Global Indonesia 6109100000 MEN'S KNITTED TOPS SINGAPORE UNITED STATES ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ******
2024-09-12 United States Efl Container Lines Llc Pt. Efl Global Indonesia 6109100000 MEN'S KNITTED TOPS SINGAPORE UNITED STATES ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ******
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Provide Trade Details Sample For Reference
Vietnam (Import) Bill Info
Basic Info
Date 2023-09-30 B/L Number 270923CMZ1143511 03
Container Number - Vessel CNC PANTHER 0XKEWS1NC
Importer Info
Importer Tcl Smart Device Viet Nam Company Limited Importer's Address No. 26 Vsip Ii-A Road No. 32 Vietnam - Singapore Ii-A Industrial Park Tt. Tan Binh Bac District Tan Uyen Bd Vn
Exporter Info
Exporter Tcl Electronics Hk Limited Exporter's Address 5/f Building 22e 22 Science Park East Avenue Hong Kong Science Park Shatin H.k Hk
Item Details
HS Code 85299091
Product Description 12201-500166#&lcd-G(oc\\inx\\v320bj9-Q01(c1) (tconless) 32" Lcd Panel Used To Produce Led Screens, 100% New, Nl Produces Tv Model
Quantity 3,600 PCS Weight 3,623.00 KG
Value US$ 144,432 Incoterms CIF
Unit Price US$ 40.12 Brand -
Shipment Info
Transport Mode SEA
Country of Origin China Code of Origin Country CN
Port of Loading Cnshk Port of Discharge Vncli
Country of Destination Vietnam Code of Destination Country VN
TEU - Carrier -
Other Info
Customs CCHQ THỦ DẦU MỘT Customs Code 34
Customs Agency 132017 Exporter's Country Code 40 FEET
Code of Loading Port 34CE Code of Discharge Port CN
Taxable Value 14,443.2 Import Duty Tax Value 4,332.96
Import Duties 0.03 Invoice Currency USD
Payment Term KC Tracking Number 2303190349508200