TradeDataPlus - Kamarin Kumanya Ve Gemi Tic. Ltd | Export Shipment Data Shipping Data Custom Data
Kamarin Kumanya Ve Gemi Tic. Ltd
In the export trade data of Kamarin Kumanya Ve Gemi Tic. Ltd for the past three years, the main exported products are HS 99302400 & HS 99309900. There are 1,206 buyers, with the main buyers being Karen Dis Ticaret Ve Enerji Anonim Sirketi & Karpower International Dmcc.
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Total Buyers 1,206
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Temporary Legislation; temporary modifications proclaimed pursuant to trade agreements legislation; additional import restrictions proclaimed pursuant to section 22 of the Agricultural Adjustment Act, as amended
Temporary Legislation; temporary modifications proclaimed pursuant to trade agreements legislation; additional import restrictions proclaimed pursuant to section 22 of the Agricultural Adjustment Act, as amended