TradeDataPlus - Excelsource International Private Limited | Export Shipment Data Shipping Data Custom Data
Excelsource International Private Limited
In the export trade data of Excelsource International Private Limited for the past three years, the main exported products are HS 84818030 & HS 73072900. There are 74 buyers, with the main buyers being Mining Engineering Services Mes & Societe Miniere Du Katanga Sarl.
Start Date
End Date
Main Export Product
Taps, cocks, valves and similar appliances for pipes, boiler shells, tanks, vats or the like, including pressurereducing valves and thermostatically controlled valves : Other appliances
Tube or pipe fittings (for example, couplings, elbows, sleeves), of iron or steel : Other, of stainless steel : Other